Low Molecular Collagen Vitamin C Powder

2.7g x 30 powder sticks


May support Healthy Immune System and May Promote Healthy Skin, Hair & Nail


INNO HEALTH & CARE Low Molecular Collagen Vitamin C Powder stick provides a high dosage of marine collagen peptides that have numerous documented benefits including supporting collagen production and targeting signs of ageing to support firm, smooth skin on the face and body. The specially processed Fish Collagen is enzymatically hydrolyzed(broken down) into low molecular weight component amino acid peptides in order to help ensure optimal absorption and bioavailability. Vitamin C is added to help boost your body's natural collagen production.

Low Molecular Collagen Vitamin C Powder

Suggested Dose

  • Take 1~2 powder sticks daily or as prescribed by healthcare professional.


• Hydrolysed Low Molecular
    Fish Collagen Peptides (Type 1) ··············· 1000mg
• Plant Based Dietary Fiber ··············· 375mg
• Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) ··············· 150mg
• Xylitol ··············· 300mg
• Hyaluronic Acid ··············· 50mg

Energy & Beauty Advance For Women

Safety Information

  • Contains Xylitol and Erythritol. Excess consumption of Xylitol and Eryritol have a laxative effect.
  • Do not take if allergic to seafood or fish.